Flyone is a TypeScript-based library for interacting with the Flyone API, providing seamless integration and functionality for link management.
- Create links
- Update existing links
- Delete links
- Fetch all links or specific links by ID
- Track clicks over time
- Manage device-specific and country-specific targeting
Install the library via npm or yarn:
npm install flyone
yarn add flyone
Importing the Library
import { Flyone } from "flyone";
Initializing the Flyone Instance
const flyone = new Flyone({
apiKey: "SavanaPoint Your-API-Key-Here",
orgId: "Your-Organization-Id-Here",
Create a Short Link
const newLink = await flyone.createShortLink({
originalUrl: "",
title: "My Example Link",
console.log("Created Link:", newLink);
Fetch All Links
const links = await flyone.getAllLinks();
console.log("All Links:", links);
Get a Link by ID
const link = await flyone.getLinkById("link-id-here");
console.log("Link Details:", link);
Update a Short Link
const updatedLink = await flyone.updateShortLink("link-id-here", {
title: "Updated Title",
console.log("Updated Link:", updatedLink);
Delete a Short Link
await flyone.deleteShortLink("link-id-here");
console.log("Link deleted successfully.");
Track Clicks Over Time
const clicks = await flyone.getClicksOverTime("link-id-here");
console.log("Clicks Over Time:", clicks);
Remove a Device Target
await flyone.removeDevice("link-id-here", "device-id-here");
console.log("Device removed successfully.");
Remove a Country Target
await flyone.removeCountry("link-id-here", "country-id-here");
console.log("Country removed successfully.");
Error Handling
Errors are handled using a centralized mechanism. In case of an error, the library will throw an exception with a descriptive message. Below are the possible error messages and their corresponding HTTP status codes:
Status Code | Message | Description |
400 | Invalid request parameters | The request payload is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized | The API key or organization ID is missing/invalid. |
403 | Forbidden | You do not have permission to perform this action. |
404 | Resource not found | The requested resource does not exist. |
500 | Internal server error | An unexpected error occurred on the server. |
503 | Service unavailable | The service is temporarily unavailable. |
Example Error Handling
try {
await flyone.createShortLink({
originalUrl: "",
title: "My Example Link",
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating link:", error.message);
Configuration Options
Property | Type | Description |
apiKey | string | Your API key for authentication. |
orgId | string | The ID of your organization. |
Contributions are welcome! Please follow the guidelines below:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature/fix.
- Commit your changes with clear commit messages.
- Submit a pull request.
This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.